MVP Interactive has deployed SYNQ across multiple, leading athletic departments. Experience our dynamic platform in action.
Users enjoy a media rich database of dynamic content with images, videos, biographical information of Columbia Football’s student-athletes on a large touchscreen display. Users browse a roster index to learn more about the featured student-athlete. After selecting a player, users can view bios, statistics, pictures, videos, interviews and more. This interactive is displayed on a large screen featuring a branded attract loop with alternating players headshots.
Engage your target audience with a compelling, looping video.
Partner with our design team to create sleek and efficient ways to navigate content.
Our Profiles are designed to look good with a little or a lot; never see an empty, awkward space again.
Photo or video? Worry less about the media types and more about picking the best looks without quantity restrictions
Let users focus their search or discover something new with filters that populate as you collect your content.
Game Schedules? Recruit call outs? Player of the Week? Rotate graphics with ease with SYNQ’s notification feature.
Upload once, tag indefinitely. Profiles can share media…or not: you have complete admin control.
Users enjoy a media rich database of content with images, videos and biographical information of Hall of Fame inductees throughout Centre College’s rich history. This experience combines university branding, creative design, motion graphics, and inductee specific media with the ability to deploy the platform in multiple locations around campus.
Stanford’s Baseball players come to life like never before on a large touchscreen display in the recruiting space. Users browse a roster index to learn more about the featured student-athlete and, after selecting a player, users can view bios, statistics, pictures, videos, interviews and more. This interactive also features a branded attract loop with alternating player headshots.
We’re excited to showcase our work with Cornell Wrestling featuring our interactive Gallery of Champions, Wrestler Showcase, and more. MVP Interactive worked with Cornell Athletics and their Friedman Wrestling Center renovation which was dedicated in November, 2021. MVP designed, created and installed multiple environmental wall and dimensional graphics throughout the facility along with several custom interactive platforms to celebrate the Wrestling program’s history, showcase past athlete accomplishments and promote their current student-athletes. Get an inside look of our latest work with this leading university.